Invisalign – San Juan Capistrano, CA

straighten your smile with  clear aligners

Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular among busy professionals and individuals who prefer a less noticeable solution. While regular metal brackets and wires are highly effective, they tend to be obvious when speaking and eating. These clear aligners, however, allow for a more discreet treatment that moves teeth without compromising daily appearances. If you’re interested in learning whether Invisalign is right for you, contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss Invisalign with our cosmetic dentist in San Juan Capistrano.

Smiling woman holding up an Invisalign tray

Why Choose Platinum Dental Group of San Juan Capistrano for Invisalign?

  • Skilled Dentist and Dental Team
  • Advanced Dental Technology and Equipment
  • Step-by-Step Treatment to Ensure Optimal Results

How Invisalign Works

Dental patient placing Invisalignt ray in carrying case

With Invisalign, Dr. Omrani will fit you for a custom set of aligners. Every few weeks, you will change your trays to a new set to continue the process of straightening your teeth. During this time, you will also have to visit your dentist every six weeks just to be sure that your smile is progressing accordingly. Because Invisalign is considered a fairly quick treatment, many patients achieve results in 6 to 12 months.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

patient getting Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano

Are you thinking about getting Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano? This orthodontic treatment is a great option for many patients, primarily because it’s discreet, comfortable, and can be used to address a variety of orthodontic issues. Some of those include:

Crowded Teeth

Illustration of crowded teeth

If it feels like you have too many teeth in your mouth, you may have crowding. You must seek treatment as soon as possible because it increases your risk of decay and gum disease. Invisalign clear aligners will apply gentle pressure to different parts of your smile throughout treatment, carefully moving your teeth into a properly aligned position.

Gaps Between Teeth

Illustration of gapped teeth

Having gaps in your smile can be unsightly, but it also puts you at risk of cavities and infection. That’s mainly because food particles can easily get trapped in the spaces between your teeth, causing decay and bad breath. Luckily, Invisalign can gently push your teeth into a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing position.


Illustration of overbite

A slight overbite (when your top teeth sit in front of your bottom teeth) is normal. If it’s more prominent, however, then there’s the risk of chronic jaw pain, premature wear on certain teeth, and even difficulty chewing properly. That’s why exploring your orthodontic treatment options, like Invisalign, is recommended. If you’re a candidate, then we can align your bite with clear, comfortable aligners.


Illustration of underbite

Do your lower teeth sit in front of your upper ones? This is known as an underbite, and it can place unnecessary pressure on your temporomandibular joint, causing problems like TMJ disorder as well as teeth grinding and clenching. The good news is that Invisalign can correct this bite problem with the help of other orthodontic accessories, like rubber bands.  


Illustration of crossbite

If you read through the previous sections on overbites and underbites but it sounds like you have a mixture of the two, then you may have a crossbite. A prominent concern with this orthodontic issue is chronic jaw pain, which can negatively impact your quality of life in more ways than one. Fortunately, Invisalign has helped countless patients with this over the years, improving the look, health, and function of their smile in the process.

Open Bite

Illustration of openbite

An open bite is when your teeth don’t come together evenly in the front or the back. Whether yours is the result of sucking your thumb as a child or simply genetics, it’s important that you have it corrected before it leads to complications like premature wear and jaw pain. The first step is scheduling a consultation with us so we can determine if you’re a candidate for Invisalign.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Woman placing an Invisalign tray

With Invisalign, you can remove your aligners and eat whatever you want. However, it’s important to wear your trays as much as possible, even while you’re sleeping. Another benefit is that it’s practically invisible, which means no one will know you’re undergoing treatment. Invisalign is a great way to discreetly straighten your teeth and give yourself the smile you’ve always wanted.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while working on laptop at home

Patients are often very curious what life with Invisalign actually looks like. So much so that we’ve dedicated this next section to that very topic! Below, you’ll find information on how to clean your aligners, what to do if you lose one, and how to make sure you’re wearing them for 20-22 hours a day.

Wearing Your Trays

Patient holding up clear aligners and smiling

There’s really one rule when it comes to wearing your aligners: keep them on for 20-22 hours a day. In other words, you should only take them out when absolutely necessary. That includes eating and drinking anything other than water and completing your oral hygiene regimen after each meal. If you aren’t sure if you are wearing your trays enough, try using the stopwatch on your phone to keep track!

Cleaning Your Aligners

Dentist with blue glove holding clear aligner

Fortunately, keeping your aligners clean and clear only takes a few steps! First, rinse them with clean, cool water each time you take them out and store them somewhere safe, like their case – not a napkin. Second, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove food particles, plaque, and the like from your aligners after brushing and flossing your teeth. Third, use the cleaning crystals that came in your Invisalign welcome kit to give them a deeper clean on an as-needed basis.

Eating & Drinking

Smiling woman eating healthy lunch at home

Since there aren’t any dietary restrictions with Invisalign, you don’t need to completely alter your diet. Instead, we recommend eating lots of nutrient-dense foods to keep your teeth and gums healthy and, of course, always removing your aligners first.

Important note: You also need to take your aligners off before drinking coffee! Neglecting to do so can cause them to stain and warp.

Losing a Tray

Man smiling while talking on phone at home

As you know, wearing your aligners for 20+ hours a day is essential. So, what happens if you lose your aligners? The best thing to do in this situation is retrace your steps, starting from the last place you remember having them. In the process, look in places you might not initially think, like in the center console of your car or between your couch cushions. If you’ve looked everywhere but cannot find them, then call us ASAP so we can determine the best way to proceed.

Routine Check-Ins

Patient showing patient their smile in reflection

Although you’ll be given several sets of aligners at a time, you’ll still need to come to our San Juan Capistrano dental office every 6-8 weeks so we can monitor the movement of your teeth. This involves taking new scans at each visit and seeing how they are tracking in comparison to your treatment plan. If everything looks good, then we will give you your next set of aligners and your visit will be complete! If something is wrong, like one or more of your teeth aren’t moving, then we will need to do some problem-solving.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

dentist holding two clear aligners in the shape of a heart

If you aren’t eager to show off metal brackets and wires for the duration of your orthodontic treatment, Invisalign may be the solution you’ve been looking for. When attempting to understand how much your Invisalign will cost, the truth is that it’s impossible to know before you attend a consultation with us. During this visit, Dr. Omrani will examine your smile, formulate a treatment plan, and provide a clear estimate as to how much the cost of Invisalign will be. In the meantime, here are some things to take into consideration.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Man at dentist getting Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano

The cost of your Invisalign treatments will vary depending on a few different factors. Here are the most apparent ones:

  • Number of Arches: Most people who get Invisalign will have both their upper and lower jaw addressed. However, in some cases, only one arch needs to be corrected. In this situation, the cost is lower.
  • Complexity of Treatment: If you have severe alignment issues, your treatment is likely to cost more. Closing a few small gaps is cheaper than correcting a significant bite problem.
  • Length of Treatment: A longer treatment time ultimately means additional aligners and a higher cost.

Invisalign VS Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano in blue case

For patients who are looking for a “quick fix,” lower budget options, like Smile Direct Club™, may seem tempting, but a lower cost doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best choice for you. While the price is generally lower than Invisalign, Smile Direct Club™ has a do-it-yourself approach with little to no oversight from a dental professional. This means additional room for error, and you could end up with serious issues that will need to be treated by a professional anyway.

When you opt for Invisalign, you have the trusted oversight of our dentist for every step along the way. Invisalign is professionally made, uses highly accurate impressions, and results in a more successful treatment overall. The difference in cost is worth it for a smooth, stress-free orthodontic treatment.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Dental insurance form

Only some dental insurance plans include coverage for orthodontic treatment, so you should check with your insurance provider to see if this is the case for you. If you have any questions regarding your dental insurance, talk to one of our friendly team members. Our team is happy to file all the necessary paperwork and claims to make the process easier and less stressful for you.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Woman calculating cost of Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano

If you don’t have dental insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be completely out of luck. At our practice, you can get Invisalign for as low as $99 a month. We also have an in-house membership plan that includes discounts on all treatments. In addition to those options, we work with both CareCredit and Lending Club – third-party financing companies that can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest. During your consultation, we can discuss your financial options to come up with a plan that’s right for you.

To find out exactly how much you can expect your Invisalign to cost, schedule a consultation with us. We’re looking forward to helping you achieve a straighter smile!

Invisalign FAQs

Ready to ditch the metal wires and brackets for clear aligners? At Platinum Dental Group of San Juan Capistrano, we offer Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano to help you discreetly and comfortably get the straight smile you’ve always wanted – without the hassle of traditional metal braces! Of course, we understand you may have a few concerns before fully committing to the process, which is why we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions below. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our friendly team for personal assistance!

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

It depends! Several factors contribute to the time it takes to complete Invisalign, like the severity of your dental misalignment and your commitment to the treatment plan. The average patient can expect to finish their Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano within 12 to 18 months. While that may sound like a long time, it’s still four months shorter than the average treatment with traditional braces. You can speed up the process by diligently following your treatment instructions and staying on top of your routine checkups.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Because of its smooth plastic design, Invisalign is one of the most comfortable orthodontic treatment options. When you first get the clear aligners, you may experience mild soreness or sensitivity that some patients may characterize as pain. However, the discomfort should go away as you get used to your treatment. Since the plastic trays gradually move your teeth into proper alignment, you may experience a small amount of pressure each time you advance to a new set. Fortunately, it’s easily manageable by taking over-the-counter pain medication and drinking ice-cold water.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

One of the most significant benefits of Invisalign in San Juan Capistrano is that it’s completely removable. As a result, there are no dietary restrictions while you undergo treatment! All you have to do is take out your aligners before eating or drinking anything that’s not water. Otherwise, eating with the trays in your mouth can damage them and put unnecessary pressure on your teeth. Whenever the aligners aren’t in your mouth, make sure you store them in a safe place to avoid losing them.

Does Invisalign Give You a Lisp?

Initially, you may develop a lisp or another speech impediment because the tongue is not used to speaking with the clear aligners. The good news is any changes are typically minor and will go away shortly after starting treatment, usually within a few weeks. Even patients with an extreme lisp will resume their normal speech after adjusting to Invisalign. You can speed up the adjustment process by having more conversations with loved ones, reading aloud, and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words. Practice makes perfect, which means the more you talk, the quicker you’ll adjust.