Ugly Rumors: 4 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry You Shouldn’t Believe

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 5:30 am
Floating question marks above a man’s head

As much as you want a nicer smile, you may hesitate to try cosmetic dentistry. All sorts of unpleasant ideas and rumors can swirl around this field and its treatments. However, the reality is that the “bad stuff” you hear about cosmetic dental work isn’t true. Your dental practice can even prove it with a slew of proper evidence! So, read on to learn four myths about cosmetic dentistry and why they don’t hold up.


4 Tips to Help You Get Ready for Dental Implant Surgery

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 1:18 pm
Senior woman sitting at table and smiling

When teeth are missing, it’s often possible to replace them with dental implants so that you can once again enjoy a complete smile that looks and feels natural. Are you thinking about filling the gaps in your grin with dental implants? If so, you should make sure that you’re properly prepared for the process of having them surgically inserted into your jaw. Below are 4 useful tips that can help you get ready for dental implant placement.


Extend the Life of Your Veneers with These Important Dietary Changes

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 7:35 pm
A woman in the kitchen cutting an apple.

Veneers are an investment in your beautiful smile, so it’s important to take proper care of them so they last as long as possible. But to do this, you may need to make some adjustments to your diet. This is because certain foods can put your new veneers at risk, either by staining them or causing them to fall off your teeth. Although veneers are very durable, here are a few modifications you can make to help ensure that you get the most out of them.


The 22-Hour Invisalign Rule: How to Keep Your Smile on Track

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 1:20 pm
a woman wearing Invisalign

To achieve a straighter smile with Invisalign, one of the requirements is that you must wear the aligners for at least 22 hours each day. While it might seem difficult, especially when you consider mealtimes and how often you snack, the decision to choose clear aligners to realign your smile may require a few lifestyle changes. Keep reading to discover a few helpful tips that are designed to make wearing your aligners 22 hours a day easier.


Why Upping Your Flossing Game is the Best New Year’s Resolution

January 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 4:47 pm
a woman flossing her teeth

The American Dental Association advises that adults floss their teeth at least once every day to maintain healthy teeth and gums. While some people are diligent flossers, a large portion of the population isn’t. In fact, review of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012 found that nearly a third of American adults don’t floss their teeth at all. If you’re not a diligent flosser and have a habit of skipping over this part of your dental hygiene routine, becoming a more dedicated flosser is the perfect New Year’s resolution, and here’s why.


Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign, Answered!

October 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 3:38 pm
Dentist holding Invisalign aligner with black glove

Since its debut, Invisalign has helped more than 14 million patients achieve their dream smiles – without the metal too. Although you’ve heard a lot about this revolutionary orthodontic treatment over the years, you may still have a few questions on your mind about what to expect from life with braces. Finding the answers may be simpler than you think; you can read on to learn the answers to frequently asked questions about Invisalign!


Dental Crown or Dental Filling: Which Kind Do You Need?

August 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 6:41 pm

a dental crown

Cavities, cracked teeth, and serious infections are all reasons your dentist will recommend restorative dental care. Because dental crowns and dental fillings are two of the most common solutions available, there is a good chance you’ll walk away with one or the other. But how can you know if you need a dental crown or filling? The only way to know which one is ideal for you is to meet with your dentist and discuss your options. To start, though, you can keep reading to learn more about their differences and which option works best in certain situations.


How Tooth Loss Can Change Your Face’s Shape

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 1:43 pm
A dentist explaining to his patient how dental implants work

If you suffer from tooth loss, you already know its initial effects. Namely, you’re aware it makes eating, speaking, and smiling tricky. That said, lacking teeth also harms your face’s shape. Indeed, the condition ages your looks when left unchecked. Still, you can solve the problem with dental implants. Such prosthetic teeth prevent and even reverse changes in face shape. To get the details, let your local dentist explain. Here, then, is how missing teeth age your face, implants stop that process, and tips on implant care.


When Is Facial Pain Considered a Dental Emergency?

April 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 4:54 pm
a patient suffering from facial pain

Facial pain is something that virtually all of us experience now and again, and whether it’s a throbbing headache, nagging toothache, or something else triggering discomfort, it isn’t always easy to identify the cause for concern. Thankfully, your emergency dentist is the expert on all things relating to oral health, so if you’re experiencing facial pain and require assistance, they’re the best person to visit! Here’s a little more about some of the common causes of facial pain and when you should seek urgent care.


How Long Can You Expect a New Smile from Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 6:24 am
a woman smiling at her dentist after receiving cosmetic dentistry

Are you unhappy with your smile? If so, you are not alone! A study conducted by OnePoll revealed that over half of Americans (57%) cover their mouths when they laugh because they feel insecure about their teeth. Furthermore, 50% of people will always often try to smile with their mouths closed. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can completely transform your pearly whites and give you the self-confident grin you’ve always wanted! But you may be wondering how long your new and improved smile will last. After all, you want to make sure it’s worth the investment of your time and money. Here is the expected lifespan of the most common cosmetic dental treatments.  

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